Thursday, August 10, 2006

munch munch ?

once i was with my cusins and we were swimming in the ocean.Wewent pretty far out. When i was really! far out i got hit by a huge wave i was soooooooooooooo scared! when It was time to go i saw a sighn that said great whites are swimming here!!!

Wednesday, August 09, 2006


i have this new computer game it is were every one from around the world can play and you can get money and weopons it is very fun and you can get armour and talk to people. most of them are nice. so you could check that site out.

Tuesday, August 08, 2006


nicholes is my cusin he is 2 and a half years. old he said I was his friend he didn,t know was his cusin he doesnt know the diffrence between no and yes. He likes chocholate that is my cusin nicholes.